What type of complaints against child care providers do you handle?
Child Care Licensing and Enforcement
Child Care Licensing and Enforcement (CCLE) is required to investigate complaints of licensed/registered child care programs regarding allegations that they are not compliant with the provisions of Chapter 7, Articles I. and II. of the Broward County Code of Ordinances. (insert link) Article XV of the Broward County Code of Ordinances (insert link), Chapters 65C-20 and 22 of the Florida Administrative Code (insert link).
The following is a list of issues that are not regulated by CCLE, therefore we are not authorized to investigate:
- All financial matters including tuition, reimbursement and payments of any kind due, and owing to families or to staff persons
- Working conditions related to staff
- Any issues related to public, charter or private schools’ programs for school age children
- After school programs operated directly by public, private or charter schools for children enrolled in their daytime program
- VPK or School Readiness contracts
- Step-Up kindergarten programs
- Complaints related to Foster care or Residential based programs
- Programs operating outside of Broward County
Updated 5/21/2019 5:18 PM