Knowledge Base

What is the environmental crime reward policy?

Ordinance 94-17 was approved by the Broward County Board of County Commissioners on March 8, 1994 to amend Chapter 27, Article I, Division 4, Section 27-41 to provide for the payment of monetary rewards to members of the general public whose reporting of environmental crimes or pollution incidents results in the assessment and collection of civil penalties from said violators.

Reward Policy Outline:

  1. Citizens may report an environmental crime or pollution incident to the Environmental Protection and Growth Management Department.
  2. If the information provided results in an enforcement case and penalties are collected as a result of a settlement agreement or a Final Order, the citizen may be eligible for a monetary reward. General nuisance complaints such as noise or odor are not eligible for awards.
  3. All County employees and their families and employees of state or federal environmental agencies are not eligible to receive any monetary rewards under this program.
  4. If during the investigation, Broward County determines that the citizen reporting the violation was a party to or aided in creating the violation, the citizen will become ineligible for a reward.
  5. If a citizen identifying a violation requires that his/her identity remain anonymous, the citizen will become ineligible for a reward (although the complaint will be followed up on).
  6. Based on the results of the final disposition (track with ENVIROS), Broward County will make a determination as to what rewards are appropriate for issuance. The following table will be used to determine the amount of each award:

Penalty Collected               Award Received
Less than $500                     $0
$500-$2,500                        $50
$2,501-$7,500                     $200
$7,501-$10,000                   $350
Greater than $10,000           $500

Each citizen is limited to a maximum of $500 in rewards per fiscal year. For more information, please call 954-519-1210.

Updated 1/18/2019 10:28 AM
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